The art industry has been revolutionized since the introduction of the internet. While the internet might not have been developed for the particular reason of promoting artists, art has found a way to grow and branch out to every part of the world. While some artists were quick to jump on the digital wagon because of its undeniable opportunities, few were still comprehensive and wanted to stick to the medium they know well.
However, in the 21st century, every artist must adapt to the recent trends, especially photographers, as they are at the forefront of this transition. After the internet launch, the next big thing the digital industry witnessed is the introduction of cryptocurrencies and their several new use cases.
One of these use cases that are particularly beneficial for digital photographers and artists is NFTs. NFTs or Non-fungible tokens integrate digital art, images, videos, etc., into the blockchain space, making them secure. Picnab is the leading NFT stock image marketplace for digital photographers and artists, providing unparalleled services.
Why are NFTs important for traditional artists?
NFTs are no-fungible tokens developed on blockchains like Ethereum and several others that are adding and are unique in nature. NFTs help brings real-world assets to the crypto world by registering all the information about the asset, such as its creator, transaction data, ownership, etc., on the blockchain.
NFTs can help solve several problems, especially in the digital photography market, because of their decentralized and immutable nature. As every photographer must know, the only viable option to share digital images with a large audience is by sharing on social media. However, despite its large reach, social media is unsafe for artists for the following reasons.
- Any image uploaded on social media is shared on several channels without giving the creator credits.
- The original artwork is duplicated endlessly, which causes copyright infringement and credibility losses.
- Social media does not create enough opportunities for photographers and artists to sell their work.

These credibility and monetary losses are a significant disadvantage for the creators as it robs them of their deserved credits. Traditional artists are usually wary of the digital platform due to these reasons. However, Picnab is rectifying this solution using NFTs and giving the power back to the photographers.
NFTs are capable of providing a new channel for traditional artists to showcase their artwork without worrying about copyright infringement or monetary losses. Artists can focus on their work and channel their creativity into creating masterpieces, while Picnab handles the marketing aspect.
Picnab — The world’s first NFT stock image platform
Picnab has developed the world’s first stock image platform powered by blockchain to address all the inefficiencies of the existing industry. Every original artwork uploaded on Picnab is assigned an NFT making its credits, ownership, and other details permanent. These NFTs are then listed on the NFT marketplace to sell to the global audience.
As Picnab is a stock image platform, users can download a copy of the original image for free and use it for personal and commercial use. On every download, the creator is rewarded with a PIC token. PIC token is a reward token from Picnab that is used as the primary transaction medium in the ecosystem.
As the creators and users can both mutually benefit from Picnab, it creates a perfect solution to all the problems faced by the artists. Traditional artists can rest easy as Picnab is a secure and safe medium that will create unparalleled new opportunities for artists.
For more information visit, https://picnab.com/.